Companion Planting

random backyard pics 002Welcome back to the Urban Farm.  Happy November to all of you.

It was quite a weekend we just endured. Not as bad as Texas had but still, nearly six inches of rain Saturday and Sunday.  I’m not ashamed, at all, to say I did not do one thing in the garden this weekend.  It took all the willpower I had just to go out and feed the critters during those downpours.

And next weekend is predicted to be the same.

Oh joy!

At least the daylight is earlier now. I always have more energy if I start my day with daylight rather than the dark of night.  And in one more month our days will slowly become longer.  I’m grasping at straws here, so bear with me. J


During the winter I spend a lot of my “garden time” planning for next spring.  I consider what did well and what did not, and I try to figure out why my crops did what they did.  One thing I always keep in mind during my planning period is companion planting.  Whether you know it or not, many crops do much better if planted near certain other crops.  The opposite is true as well. There are some crops that should be kept away from certain other crops.

Let’s take a look at four of those crops this week and give you something to think about.


Basil can be planted next to practically any other crop, and really the only crop you should keep it away from is Rue.  Basil improves the flavor and growth of most garden crops, especially tomatoes and lettuce, and it is excellent at repelling mosquitoes.


Bush Beans are great companions for beets, cabbage, carrots, catnip, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, marigolds, potatoes, savory and strawberries.  They should be kept away from fennel, garlic, leeks, onions and shallots.


Plant near corn, marigolds, potatoes and radishes. Keep away from beets, garlic, kohlrabi, leeks, onions and shallots.


Beets can be planted near broccoli, brussel sprouts, bush beans, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, kohlrabi and onions.  Keep it away from charlock, field mustard and pole beans.


Hopefully that will give you something to think about as you contemplate your 2016 garden.  Have a great week, stay dry and Happy Farming to you all.
